I am writing application that is converting files from one format to
another. The process takes some time for larger files, and I want to
run it in backround. My application is running in threaded mode
(enabled in environment.rb) and I know Rails 2.2.2 is thread safe.
have a problem. I tried to use active record on non controller threads
(even using with_connection) and it didn't work. If you're not using
ActiveRecord, it shoudn't be an issue, just don't forget that the MRI
isn't really concurrent and you'll just get real concurrency running
on JRuby.
Thanks - well this may be issue. If it was easy to find solutions on
google I would do it myself.
I am using ActiveRecord. The only problem I have noticed so far is
that rails turn off class reloading when config.threadsafe is enabled
- and it makes my development pain (need to restart server each time
after I change code).