Textmate Ruby/Rails Developers - Your input re required snippets/bundles for the Netbeans Ruby support module would be appreciated!

Hi all,

The ever increasing Ruby & Rails support in Netbeans continues. The latest post is at http://blogs.sun.com/tor/entry/ruby_screenshot_of_the_week7 which now includes textmate bundles/snippet type support + more. The Netbeans developers are asking Textmate/Ruby/Rails experts to feed in what their IDE requirements are in this area so they can finalise the initial set tempaltes/snippets etc. You can basically just add your comments to the blog post and the Netbeans developers respond promptly.

I’m already using Netbeans for Ruby on Rails work, however I jump back to Textmate for use of snippets/bundles. With this latest release (and the subsequent stable versions) I’ll get this within Netbeans which will be great. It also has code-completion and some refactoring support for Ruby/Rails. The link again is:


Cheers Greg