
Hi Shandy,

bill walton wrote:

Hi Shandy,

I need to pass a parameter in my text_field_with_auto_complete

What's the parameter supposed to do? What are you trying to accomplish?


Well, I have an auto_complete to get users names, and in other forms it works great. This auto_complete, however, it first asks the user to select an account and then pull all the users from that account, so the parameter that I need to pass is the id to the account to populate that list.

Ah. Ok. It's been a while since I used auto_complete and haven't tested this, but it should point you in the right general direction. First though, note that everything after the first two parameters is interpreted as elements of a hash. You don't need the {} notation. The items that can appear in that hash are the parameters to ActiveRecord::Base#find. IIRC auto_complete just passes them through to the find. You're wanting to supply the :conditions. The syntax may be wrong but I already warned you I haven't tested it. :wink:

<%= text_field_with_auto_complete 'user', 'username', :conditions => ["post = ?", @company_title.id] %>

HTH, Bill