Hey all,
I am having a little trouble getting some referential integrity tests to work well.
Right now, I am using Postgres as my database. I have generated migrations for my tables and ensured referential integrity by using execute commands. All is working well at the level of the database and application. I can get all the checks to work flawlessly if I set up my test database by issuing "rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test".
However, if I do the more traditional approach by issuing "rake db:test:prepare and rake db:test:load," this seems to load the information from the schema.rb file. This file does not seem to contain the foreign key constraints (or other db constraints, for that matter).
Any thoughts on getting this to work properly and getting the schema.rb file to recognize all the db checks?
I can imagine that this will be an issue at the time of production, because the schema.rb file will not be usable for setting up the production database. It seems to me, I would have to run the migrations...