

im trying since a few days with unit test. my problem is, i have write a test for 7 validates_presence_of and its ok. then i have write 2 validates_uniqueness_of and its ok. then i have write 1 test for validates_format_of :postcode, :with => /^\d{5}$/ its also ok. if i have write a test for validates_format_of :street, :with => /^([[:alpha:]]+\s)+\d*$/ like this:

Looks to me like this regexp means that "my street" cannot match (since you've said that each of your words must be finished by a space (so i would expect "my street " to pass)). Other than that you need to do some detective work: what line is it failing on ? with what input ? which validations are failing etc.


then i have write 1 test for validates_format_of :postcode, :with => /^\d{5}$/ its also ok.

Looks to me like this regexp means that "my street" cannot match (since you've said that each of your words must be finished by a space (so i would expect "my street " to pass)). Other than that you need to do some detective work: what line is it failing on ? with what input ? which validations are failing etc.

Next advice: Comment out every test that fails, then write a test like this:

   assert_match '12348', /^\d{5}/

If you have trouble with a high-level test, scratch it and write a low-level one; one that only targets the details. In this case, you are not even testing the actual validator; you are using the testing to learn which regexps work.

Frederick Cheung wrote:

/^([[:alpha:]]+\s)+\d*$/ like this:

Looks to me like this regexp means that "my street" cannot match (since you've said that each of your words must be finished by a space (so i would expect "my street " to pass)). Other than that you need to do some detective work: what line is it failing on ? with what input ? which validations are failing etc.



my test for validates_format_of :street, :with => /^[[:alpha:]]+\s{1}*[[:alpha:]])*\d*$/ is this:

def test_street_format    ok = ["on road 7", "yourstreet"]    notok = ["8ue kd9", "die 8.straße 9"]    ok.each do |name|      sp = Me.new(:name => "MyString", :contact_person => "My person", :location => "Mybla", :postcode => "12345", :street => name, :email => "MyStri@test.de")      assert sp.valid? #, sp.errors.full_messages    notok.each do |name|      sp = Me.new(:name => "MyString", :contact_person => "My person", :location => "Mybla", :postcode => "12345", :street => name, :email => "MyStri@test.de")      assert !sp.valid?      end    end end

is my test not ok?

i hope someone can help me please

Hello Guy wrote:

my test for validates_format_of :street, :with => /^[[:alpha:]]+\s{1}*[[:alpha:]])*\d*$/ is this:

     assert !sp.valid?

is my test not ok?

Did you also write a simpler test with only the rexexps and their targets in it?

If a test that starts too far from your tested code is hard to work with, that is a sign you need more support from a lower-level test.

Phlip wrote:

Did you also write a simpler test with only the rexexps and their targets in it?

If a test that starts too far from your tested code is hard to work with, that is a sign you need more support from a lower-level test.


my English isnt so good, sorry. I dont understand everything you wrote. can you give me an example for a simpler test for my situation?

Hello Guy wrote:

my English isnt so good, sorry. I dont understand everything you wrote. can you give me an example for a simpler test for my situation?

in your model:

   VALIDATE = /@#$%^/    validates_format_of :snoo, VALIDATE

in the test:

   def test_validate      assert_match Model::VALIDATE, 'something'    end

That's all. Don't build everything just to test the Regexp - just test it directly!

Phlip wrote:

Hello Guy wrote:

my English isnt so good, sorry. I dont understand everything you wrote. can you give me an example for a simpler test for my situation?

in your model:

   VALIDATE = /@#$%^/    validates_format_of :snoo, VALIDATE

in the test:

   def test_validate      assert_match Model::VALIDATE, 'something'    end

That's all. Don't build everything just to test the Regexp - just test it directly!

ok thank you. i try this: in model: validates_format_of :street, :with => /^[[:alpha:]]+\s{1}*[[:alpha:]])*\d*$/

in test:   def test_street_try    assert_match(/^[[:alpha:]]+\s{1}*[[:alpha:]])*\d*$/, 'The Road 9') end

but i become this: Finished in 0,0 seconds. 0 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors

whats wrong now? i dont know

Hello Guy wrote:

ok thank you. i try this: in model: validates_format_of :street, :with => /^[[:alpha:]]+\s{1}*[[:alpha:]])*\d*$/

in test:   def test_street_try    assert_match(/^[[:alpha:]]+\s{1}*[[:alpha:]])*\d*$/, 'The Road 9') end

The // regexp in the validation should be the same one passed to the test. That's so when you change the validation, the test will still cover it.

That's why I suggested putting the regexp into a constant.

but i become this: Finished in 0,0 seconds. 0 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors

You are not running any tests, because your assertion should have counted.

Try with this:

   assert false

in a test. If your tests don't break, then you are not running them!