Hi Rodrigo, I can provide some info...
1 - actionmailer: There are 6 errors of this kind: "NoMethodError:
undefined method `find_template' for AutoLayoutMailer:Class"
These have been failing for quite a while - see the CI build:
The core team is aware of these failures, dunno what else to say...
2 - actionpack: I can't run any test and I get this message: "no such
file to load -- rack". But I do have rack 1.0.0 and rack-test 0.5.0 and
they load with no errors on irb.
ActionPack uses Bundler (GitHub - wycats/bundler) now. Do this:
[sudo] gem install bundler
cd actionpack
gem bundle
3 - activerecord:
mysql: 2 failing tests:
You probably need to rebuild your databases. See the example commands
in the CI build script:
I'm also curious. In railties, 'rake -T' doesn't tell us that there is a
'test' target, although it is there. What is the reason?
Also, what is the regular_test task in railties? I can never get it to
run: "/home/rodrigo/src/git/rails/railties/lib/initializer.rb:17: It
looks like initializer.rb was required twice (RuntimeError)"
These issues sound like bugs or outdated tasks? I'd suggest you look
at ci/ci_build.rb. That should always have the correct commands
specified to set up the databases, run bundler if needed, and invoke
the proper tasks for the individual test suites. There are also
scripts to automate setup of all other Rails system prereq
dependencies/libraries and CI environment in my branch (functional,
but a work in progress):
-- Chad