Template is missing

I meet a strange problem, my application works well on development environment, but when I switch it to production environment, a strange problem of 'Template is missing' ,which have troubled me for several days.

following is my code:

1.routes.rb:   map.index '', :controller => 'web', :action => 'index'   map.namespace :admin do |admin|       # Directs /admin/products/* to Admin::ProductsController (app/controllers/admin/products_controller.rb)        admin.resources :users,:categories   end   map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'   map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format'

2.app/controller/admin/users_controller.rb class Admin::UsersController < ApplicationController   layout "administrator"   before_filter :authorize

  def index     @users = User.paginate :per_page=> PER_PAGE,       :page=>params[:page]||1,       :conditions =>["login_name like ? ","%#{params[:login_name]}%"],       :order=> 'created_at desc'   end

  def new     @user = User.new   end ..... end


...   </div> <% if flash[:notice] -%>   <div id="notice" width=400 align=center><img src="/images/gtk-info.png" >&nbsp;<%= flash[:notice] %></div> <% end %>   <div id="mainContent">   <%=@content_for_layout%>   </div> ...

4.app/view/admin/index.html.erb is existed. 5.app/view/admin/index.html.erb is existed.

When I first browse 'http://localhost:3000/admin/users’, it works, but when I click the link 'http://localhost:3000/admin/users/new’ on the page, the error appeared.following is the information: "Missing template admin/users/index/new.html.erb in view path C:/rails-projects/school/app/views ". when I removed the code "layout 'administrator'" in users_controller.rb, it works. but why?? It puzzled me.I can't find which part is wrong between template and routes. can u give me the answer?

Could anybody help me?? Did I explain the problem clearly? I will appreciate your replay very much.

Wu Chang wrote:

when I removed the code "layout 'administrator'" in users_controller.rb

Try renaming your administrator.rhtml file to administrator.html.erb

Chris Olsen wrote:

Try renaming your administrator.rhtml file to administrator.html.erb

Thanks for your reply, I tried it but still failed...