Template error when deploying to host with frozen gems


I'm having some issues with deploying my app to my host server (Dimension Servers). I froze the gems (Instant Rails 1.2.3) on my local server and have the app running flawlessly boh on my machine and on a few other development machines. After deploying to the host, I get the following error on one of my views. Note: I'm using attachment_fu, which I don't imagine could have anything to do with this...

Any help would be much appreciated!

ActionView::TemplateError (Expected /home/yourhome/public_html/beta/ current/config/../app/models/product_image.rb to define ProductImage) on line #2 of app/views/products/show.rhtml:

products/show.rhtml: 1: <h2><%= @product.name %></h2> 2: <div class="product_image"><%= product_image_url(@product) %></div>

Helper: def product_image_url(p)     # Generate URL for product images     return p.product_image.nil? ? image_tag("/noimage.jpg") : image_tag(p.product_image.public_filename)   end

product_image.rb model: class ProductImage < ActiveRecord::Base   has_one :product   has_attachment :content_type => :image,                  :storage => :file_system,                  :resize_to => '320x200>'

  validates_as_attachment end