Syntax of session's updated_at field ?

What's the syntax to acquire the updated_at value of a session stored in a db?

session.updated_at doesn't work. can't find any docs on this.

-- gw

I think you might just have to do it by hand - the session object is what you get from unmarshaling the blob of data from one column of the session table - the rest of the session table doesn't make it past that level. You do get session.session_id to assist you with that.


Odd that updated_at wouldn't be included, but OK, I can make my own session object interface then. Thanks.

-- gw

What's the syntax to acquire the updated_at value of a session stored in a db?

session.updated_at doesn't work. can't find any docs on this.

I think you might just have to do it by hand - the session object is what you get from unmarshaling the blob of data from one column of the session table - the rest of the session table doesn't make it past that level. You do get session.session_id to assist you with that.

Odd that updated_at wouldn't be included, but OK, I can make my own session object interface then. Thanks.

Turns out i was wrong, saw this today from jeremy:

Yeah, I just spotted the long version in The Rails Way last night, but .model is even better:


gives me exactly what I wanted. :slight_smile:

-- gw