syntax error, unexpected kEND, expecting $end

I get this error

/Users/sopira/rubydev/hello/app/models/spracovatel.rb:5: syntax error, unexpected kEND, expecting $end

on the 5th line of the code, which has got just (and only) 5 line:

CODE: Class Spracovatel   def spracovat     return 5   end end

What can cause this error? After digging all the internet I have not found any idea. Maybe here.

Thanks, Michael.

I get this error

/Users/sopira/rubydev/hello/app/models/spracovatel.rb:5: syntax error, unexpected kEND, expecting $end

on the 5th line of the code, which has got just (and only) 5 line:

CODE: Class Spracovatel

That should be class not Class
