Superclass mismatch (Functional test)

Hilo. I'm trying to build an app with TDD, but my first functional test is a mess. The example from the book fails, and I haven't found any information on this issue. When I run my test, it throws: C:\Users\NomNomNom\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Embark\test\functional\admin\author_controller_test.rb:4: superclass mismatch for class AuthorControllerTest (TypeError)

Here is my test: [code]require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../test_helper' require 'admin/author_controller' class Admin::AuthorControllerTest; def rescue_action(e) raise e end; end class Admin::AuthorControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup   @controller =   @request =   @response = end

def test_new   get :new   assert_template 'admin/author/new'   assert_tag 'h1', :content => 'Create new author'   assert_tag 'form', :attributes => {:action => '/admin/author/create'} end end [/code]

Thank you for any help. I'd gladly take a working example if you don't know what's wrong with this specific code.

It's these two line above: you've declared Admin::AuthorControllerTest as deriving from Object , and the line below you say it derives from Test::Unit::TestCase. The standard boiler plate should actually read

class Admin::AuthorController; def rescue_action(e) raise e end; end class Admin::AuthorControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase

As of rails 2.1 you don't that - you're test file can just be

require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../test_helper' class Admin::AuthorControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase   def test_new     ..   end end

subclassing from ActionController::TestCase means you don't need the setup method or the funky error re-raising stuff.
