Suggestions on Ruby code for API

hi , i am new to ROR

i was acually trying to write Ruby code for the api blogs

i have written the ruby code as

      Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.8)       >> class Blogpost < ActiveRecord::Base       >> has_many :taggings       >> has_many :tags,:through => :taggings       >> end       => nil      >> class Taggings < ActiveRecord::Base      >> belongs_to :blogpost     >> belongs_to :tag     >> end     => nil

    ?> @tags=Tag.find_by_name("blog7")     => #<Tag id: 4, name: "blog7">     >> @taggings=Tagging.find_by_id(     => #<Tagging id: 4, tag_id: 1, taggable_id: 4, taggable_type: "Blogpost", created_at: "2010-09-02 10:03:08">     >> @blogposts=Blogpost.find_by_id(@taggings.taggable_id)       => #<Blogpost id: 4, title: "blog post4", type: nil, slug: "blog-post4", description: "<p>BLOG desc 4</p>", meta: nil, user_id: 1, category_id: 379344121, times_viewed: 2, comments_count: 0, published: 1, created_at: "2010-09-02 10:03:08", updated_at: "2010-09-03 05:11:46", delta: false>

Whether this way of writing Ruby code is the correct procedure for API..

Please give suggestions ..

hi , i am new to ROR

i was acually trying to write Ruby code for the api blogs

i have written the ruby code as

  Loading development environment \(Rails 2\.3\.8\)
  &gt;&gt; class Blogpost &lt; ActiveRecord::Base
  &gt;&gt; has\_many :taggings
  &gt;&gt; has\_many :tags,:through =&gt; :taggings
  &gt;&gt; end
  =&gt; nil
 &gt;&gt; class Taggings &lt; ActiveRecord::Base
 &gt;&gt; belongs\_to :blogpost
&gt;&gt; belongs\_to :tag
&gt;&gt; end
=&gt; nil

?&gt; @tags=Tag\.find\_by\_name\(&quot;blog7&quot;\)
=&gt; \#&lt;Tag id: 4, name: &quot;blog7&quot;&gt;
&gt;&gt; @taggings=Tagging\.find\_by\_id\(@tags\.id\)
=&gt; \#&lt;Tagging id: 4, tag\_id: 1, taggable\_id: 4, taggable\_type:

"Blogpost", created_at: "2010-09-02 10:03:08"> >> @blogposts=Blogpost.find_by_id(@taggings.taggable_id) => #<Blogpost id: 4, title: "blog post4", type: nil, slug: "blog-post4", description: "<p>BLOG desc 4</p>", meta: nil, user_id: 1, category_id: 379344121, times_viewed: 2, comments_count: 0, published: 1, created_at: "2010-09-02 10:03:08", updated_at: "2010-09-03 05:11:46", delta: false>

Whether this way of writing Ruby code is the correct procedure for API..

If you had those associations then typically you'd use them, ie you'd do stuff like @tag.taggings or @tag.blogposts rather than calling find. It's also a little misleading the way you've used plurals (@tags, @taggings etc...) for things that are only single objects, not collections.
