Suggestion for Rails partials: associate with a "partial" controller method


I always found one thing severely missing from Rails' partials: an equally easy "Rails" way to not just share view templates easily even across controllers, but also have certain controller code associated with a partial needed to get certain variables for the partial. Right now there is no code associated with a partial, it's just a view template. That's bad sometimes, because not always is the code for setting variables used in the template different between usages of that one template.

Right now I have to duplicate the code though, and especially when using a template from a different controller this is very awkward, since I cannot just create a new local method for the shared code. I'd have to put it in ApplicationController, for example, but it really belongs into the controller "owning" the particular partial.

One usage example which I'm using right now: Instead of a different page for the shopping cart, adding addresses and performing payment I want ONE page with all of them, saving the user clicks and letting them see the entire (very short) process at once on a long scroll. This has been proven to lead to a better user experience compared to splitting (a very simple process in my case) into lots of tiny pieces (but even if not, it's what I want).

As you can see I'd have to duplicate code from shopping_carts/index, addresses/index, orders/new for that page, even though all those pieces of code clearly logically belong into their respective controllers. If I could have partials that automatically run a local "per partial" method of their owning controller when called to render...

How do YOU guys solve such a situation?


(replying to myself)

PS: By the way, one thing I could think of (of course, since it's obvious) is to write (a) module(s) in lib/with the common code for the partial(s). However, since the partial already belongs to a view and therefore to a certain fixed controller, I think it would make much more sense to either A) also require that view partials are independent of a controller, or B) that common code belongs into that controller. Otherwise it's a double standard.

I do see the difficulty that the webserver created an object of the currently active controller, but it would have to create a new one for each controller. Or I could use class methods - but in class methods I don't have access to the calling instances variables (and setting any does not work either, but that's the whole point, to set variables for the views - of course functional programmers will cringe - side effect heavy code... but that's how we do it in non-functional programming all the time). Well, one can solve it by handing that class method as a single parameter "self" when calling it, and access and set variables using ("this" is the parameter in the method that gets "self" from the caller) this.variable (if already set) and this.instance_variable_set("@variable", value) to set new instance variables. However, that just doesn't look right.


I always found one thing severely missing from Rails' partials: an equally easy "Rails" way to not just share view templates easily even across controllers, but also have certain controller code associated with a partial needed to get certain variables for the partial. Right now there is no code associated with a partial, it's just a view template. That's bad sometimes, because not always is the code for setting variables used in the template different between usages of that one template.

Right now I have to duplicate the code though, and especially when using a template from a different controller this is very awkward, since I cannot just create a new local method for the shared code. I'd have to put it in ApplicationController, for example, but it really belongs into the controller "owning" the particular partial.

One usage example which I'm using right now: Instead of a different page for the shopping cart, adding addresses and performing payment I want ONE page with all of them, saving the user clicks and letting them see the entire (very short) process at once on a long scroll. This has been proven to lead to a better user experience compared to splitting (a very simple process in my case) into lots of tiny pieces (but even if not, it's what I want).

As you can see I'd have to duplicate code from shopping_carts/index, addresses/index, orders/new for that page, even though all those pieces of code clearly logically belong into their respective controllers. If I could have partials that automatically run a local "per partial" method of their owning controller when called to render...

How do YOU guys solve such a situation?

I'd say that if the page uses several resources on a view, they all belong to that controller, even if they "have the name" of a different one. In any case, if you don't want to pollute ApplicationController with methods to load code from other places and you need to reuse the logic to load certain resources, write some modules and throw them in lib. It's all just ruby, in the end :slight_smile:

module ShoppingCartData   def load_addresses     @addresses = current_user.addresses.all   end   ... end

class AddressesController < ApplicationController   include ShoppingCartData

  def index     load_addresses   end end

class ShoppingCartsController < ApplicationController   include ShoppingCartData

  def show     load_addresses     ...   end end

Cheers, -foca


one pattern I have found useful to remove logic from partials is to wrap the render call in a helper method. So there is a place to setup some instance variables or provide default values etc. Of course this is not a place to put controller logic. But using sufficiently rich models with scopes and associations my controllers turn out to be boilerplate most of the time anyway.

Cheers Tim