submit_to_remote with an image_tag


  I'm using submit_to_remote,

  <%= submit_to_remote 'save_btn', 'Save',               :url => { :controller => 'ci', :action => 'edit_ci_functional_spec', :ci => @ci, :from => 'show' },               :html => {:class => 'itilbutton1'}%>

   Now I want to use an image instead of 'Save'. How can I use image_tag with submit_to_remote? Please help.

Thanks Regards Suneeta

I think you would want to use a, remote_form_tag with a image_submit_tag inside of it.

There might be a more efficient way, but that works at least.

assuming an image_submit_tag helper didn't work.

   Now I want to use an image instead of 'Save'. How can I use image_tag with submit_to_remote? Please help.

You can try with   link_to_remote(image_tag('path/to/image'), :url => {:action => 'your_action'})