submit button has no effect on the db

I think that the line with "@feed.tags << Tag.find_or_create_by_tag(params [:which_tag]) unless params[:which_tag].blank?" isn't correctly saving data.

What I want to happen is that the user places a checkmark on a "tag", then clicks the button. That adds a record to the "memberships" table with three fields:

feed_id tag_id membership_id

However, the db remains unchanged :frowning:

An excerpt from with the relevant method:

thufir@arrakis ~/strawr $ thufir@arrakis ~/strawr $ tail app/controllers/feeds_controller.rb -n 34

def add_some_tags "*******************************add_some_tags*******************************" "*******************************add_some_tags*******************************" "*******************************add_some_tags*******************************" "foo: #{@my_var}" "my text" #@my_var = "something"

  @feed = Feed.find(params[:id]) "@feed: #{@feed}"

  @unused_tags =     Tag.find(:all) - @feed.tags

  if @unused_tags.any?     @tags_to_add = { |tag|       (params['tag']['checked'] == '1')}     @tags_to_add.each { |tag|         @feed.tags << Tag.find_or_create_by_tag(params[:which_tag]) unless params[:which_tag].blank?      }   end

  if @tags_to_add.any? and     flash[:notice] = 'Tags have been added!'   end   redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @feed end

end thufir@arrakis ~/strawr $



Poking around in the code, I notice a few things.

1) feed has many tags through memberships, and membership.rb has some validations, perhaps these are failing.

2) In your controller code, in the method above you are using push_with_attributes, which is deprecated, you seem to be mixing hmt with the obsolete push_with_attributes.


Poking around in the code, I notice a few things.

1) feed has many tags through memberships, and membership.rb has some validations, perhaps these are failing.

Yes, I was considering this and dropping the validations; I'll do that.

2) In your controller code, in the method above you are using push_with_attributes, which is deprecated, you seem to be mixing hmt with the obsolete push_with_attributes.

I want to fix this regardless. I found:

"push_with_attributes and concat_with_attributes on a HABTM association are deprecated. Use has_many :through with a join model instead. "

But will continue to research this. Ironically, I'm using has_many :through with a join model already.
