String.join() ??

I've seen some example code that uses what appears to be a string object with a join method, for example:

(from "rubyisms in rails") <code> def category_links(article)   "Posted in " + article.categories.collect { |c|     link_to,             { :controller=>"articles", :action => "category",               :id => c.permalink },               :rel => "tag"             }.join(", ") end </code>

But I don't see api docs in rails or ruby for a join method like this (obviously there are other join methods).

It _appears_ that this might be a conditional concat (but perhaps not).

anyone familiar with this?

Joe at CodeGear wrote:

(from "rubyisms in rails")

Tell such authors not to squander Ruby's incredibly expressive power by writing run-on statements. They wouldn't do that in prose (right??;).

<code> def category_links(article)   "Posted in " + article.categories.collect { |c|     link_to,             { :controller=>"articles", :action => "category",               :id => c.permalink },               :rel => "tag"             }.join(", ") end </code>

That is this:

article.categories.collect{ blah blah blah }.join(', ')

Array#collect returns an Array, and join() makes it into a string. That's all.

It's an instance method of Array:

irb(main):007:0> Array.instance_methods.grep /join/ => ["join"]