Strange SQLite3 Error

Why am I getting this error?

SQLite3::SQLException: SQL logic error or missing database: INSERT INTO users ("salt", "updated_at", "crypted_password", "remember_token_expires_at", "identity_url", "remember_token", "login", "created_at", "email") VALUES('85cb86a6e5d49b1992e99353a07f3a980a0bcb1c', '2007-12-20 02:38:21', '76e7f2f88a843603db9d3a519bda3afa4ce9119c', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'bernee', '2007-12-20 02:38:21', '')

By the way it only happens on my Ubuntu host that I am trying to set up a production server on. Not my development mac.
