Strange error in unit test => TypeError: wrong argument type Class (expected Module)

I'm running a unit test in rails 2.3.5

Below is the error:

  1) Error: test1s(ActionView::TestCase): TypeError: wrong argument type Class (expected Module)

Has anyone seen this before? Is there a solution/work around?

I have tried changing my testing code, but it always shows up as the fourth test which makes me think that it is a general error rather then something to do with my test.

Thank you for you help,


Can you reduce your test rb file to the minimum that shows the error and paste it here? Actually I would not be surprised if you found the problem while reducing it.



Well, I have have continued to work on this, but with no luck.

The error pops up for every test I run for every model and controller (not just the test1 model).

Any ideas?



Well, I have have continued to work on this, but with no luck.

The error pops up for every test I run for every model and controller (not just the test1 model).

What does your test case look like ? It looks like you're writing a test for a view helper, is that view helper a class rather than a module ?
