Still cant get ActionMailer to work!

Hey - can anyone spare a few minutes to explain how to set-up actionmailer in Rails 2.2.2 I have read the API but still not sure if I'm changing the correct file? I am going nuts with this!

Do I add my smtp settings to environment.rb or edit them in base.rb in the actionmailer folder?

The error message I receive when trying to send emails is

SocketError: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known

If anyone can spare a few mins either on this thread or on MSN/Skype/ Google chat I would really appreciate it



What mail do you need to setup? Gmail smtp? or a host provided mail?

In my case i use this in envirotment.rb ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = true ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = { :address => “”, :port => “587”, :domain => “”, :authentication => :plain, :user_name => “user@domaincom”, :password => “password” }

And i generate the mail controller with:

ruby script/generate mailer Notifier

Notifier is the controller to send mails.

Hi - It's a host provided mail account:

my host is my domain is and the email is

I tried adding the code you provided in my environment.rb (I did have it in prodcution.rb) and I now get an error:

...s/config/environment.rb:13:NameError: uninitialized constant ActionMailer

The code I added was: ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = true ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {     :address => "localhost",     :port => 465,     :domain => "",     :authentication => :login,     :user_name => "",     :password => "password" }

Any clues?

Should this be config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {} instead?


Hi --

Thanks David

I've moved the code to the bottom of the file and that seems to have solved the recent error.

Still have the error: SocketError: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known When trying to send mail though, any thoughts?

Im a noob when it comes to SSL etc, is it possible this error is simply because my smtp settings are wrong?

According to my host's setup instructions:

Mail Server Username: Outgoing Mail Server: (server requires authentication) port 25 Outgoing Mail Server: (SSL) (server requires authentication) port 465 Supported Outgoing Mail Protocols: SMTP, SMTPS (SSL/TLS)

If actionmailer requires SSL then does that mean I need to set smtp settings to:     :address => "",     :port => 465,     :domain => "",     :authentication => :login,     :user_name => "",     :password => "password"


If I change :address => '' and :port => 25, I get error message:

OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: hostname was not match with the server certificate

If I set it to :port => 465 I get a timeout error.

any ideas?

your host service provide the port to connect to the mail with ssl. Your need to ask them what port do you need to setup.

This may seem like a real nooby question but it just occurred to me now, do I need to buy an SSL certificate before I can use actionmailer?
