state select box to be populated according to country

Hi     I have the models company,country, state company belongs_to country country has_many states state belongs_to country

       In my company creation view i have two select boxes for country and state. I could implement the country select like

<% form_for @company do |f| %> <%= f.collection_select :country_id, Country.all, :id,:name,{},{} %>

Ryan Bates got a railscasts episode that deals with this exact case:


Ryan Bates got a railscasts episode that deals with this exact case: #88 Dynamic Select Menus - RailsCasts

    Thanks for your reply. I have tried this But is not working My rails version is 2.3.5 I have added map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format'    to routes.r as suggested. But in any way I cant access http://localhost:3001/javascripts/dynamic_states.js     I am getting

Routing Error

No route matches "/javascripts/dynamic_states.js" with {:method=>:get}


You need to but dynamic_states.js in your public/javascripts folder.


Lasse Bunk wrote:

You need to but dynamic_states.js in your public/javascripts folder.


   But how is it possible? In screencast it is dynamic_states.js.erb that contains both ruby and javascript code. So how can i put that to public/javascripts?


You might avoid a lot of work by using the Carmen plugin (or one like it):