SQL Server on Linux (Rails 2.0.2)

I am experiencing inconsistencies within ActiveRecord when retrieving from a SQL Server table using the FreeTDS driver.

The following dump from an interactive console session shows the issue.

$ script/console Loading development environment (Rails 2.0.2)

n = Network.find(3)

=> #<Network id: 3, country_id: 1, short_description: "Orange", description: "Orange", carefone_code: "OR ">

n = Network.find(3)

=> #<Network id: 3, country_id: 1, short_description: "Orange", description: "Orange", carefone_code: "OR ">

n = Network.find(3)

=> #<Network id: 72340172821233667, country_id: 72340172821233665, short_description: "Orange", description: "Orange", carefone_code: "OR ">

n = Network.find(3)

=> #<Network id: 3, country_id: 1, short_description: "Orange", description: "Orange", carefone_code: "OR ">


What happened to my network ID the third time the find was run?

This happens across a lot of models and at inconsistent times. The only consistent thing is that the affected fields are all ints.

Has anyone experiences anything like this before?