Speeed of generating a PDF


I have been using the PDF::Writer to generate pdf for reports for our system and they have worked fine but speed is becoming an issue for us now. Since we can have like 1000 of records with about 20-30 columns to be rendered to the table, the time that it takes to generate those reports is very high and sometimes the mysql times out.

Can anyone suggest any way of either generating the PDF or of reducing the time taken to generate PDF using the PDF ::Writer and PDF::SimpleTable.


It sounds like this is the sort of thing that could be handled in the background or during times when server usage is low. How does mysql relate to the generation of the PDFs? Why can't you just read a ton of records into memory and work from there?

Maybe try to set split_rows to true (default is false). This should lower the number of the transactions used to render the document.


Well the data is coming from a database table but for each data returned we have to do some ruby programming to return us some more information for that data. Hence everything is not from a database table but has dynamic content also attached to it.

I have the same issue - generating 300+ PDF's that are 1-6 pages long - and it gets really slow. What I've read has said the table generation is the slowest part of PDF::Writer - so I tested eliminating tables and reducing the amount of tables in each document and I got much faster generation times (like it was taking 30+ seconds per each PDF with lots of tables and now it takes just a few seconds with only one table)

Hope that helps



Two recommendations. The first becomes obvious if you think of the PDF as a "view" rather than a document/report. Since you're dealing with a view, consider paging through the data rather than reading all 1K+ records at once. This might be "chattier" than you'd like but reducing the memory footprint will be a help to the other users of your system and it'll greatly reduce the chances of losing your MySQL connection. In a similar situation, I set a query size of 100 records, then calculated the number of "pages" that I needed to read from the DB and iterated through the records until I was done. Suddenly all the memory errors went away. :slight_smile:

The second recommendation has to do with PDF::Writer itself. As I have been able to determine, the greatest part of the slowdown in PDF:Writer is with table generation. PDF:Writer uses some very time consuming calculations to determine if a set of related rows should be "split" or not. I was able to greatly increase the rendering speed by passing :split_rows=>true to the table generator. This turns off the expensive calculation and greatly increases the rendering speed. I think this change helped increase the rendering time of my table (~1400 rows) by two orders of magnitude. In our specific situation we were creating one table for every record so we determined the number of records we could render on each page and then handled the paging issues on our own. It was a little extra code but the speed up was well worth it.

HTH, AndyV


In my view i am just using one table and i tried setting split_rows=true but that didnt do any help. Also i didnt understand much from the first point. Can u elaborate it a little more.
