Is it possible to specify the length and number of decimal places for a float in a migration? I using MySQL and can do it through the GUI client, but can’t Google up anything on doing it in a migration.
Is it possible to specify the length and number of decimal places for a float in a migration? I using MySQL and can do it through the GUI client, but can’t Google up anything on doing it in a migration.
You should use decimal instead of float.
t.column :name, :decimal, :precision => 10, :scale => 2
This will give you numbers as 00000000.00, for example (10 digits, 2 digits right of decimal point).
Regards, Jorge Corona.
Hi Jorge,
Pozole wrote:
You should use decimal instead of float.
t.column :name, :decimal, :precision => 10, :scale => 2
Perfect. Thanks much!
Best regards, Bill