Hi Wes,
Please could you post the snippet of view code you are using? cheers
Hi Wes,
Please could you post the snippet of view code you are using? cheers
Here's an example:
<%= select_year(DateTime.now.year, :start_year => 1960, :end_year => DateTime.now.year, :prefix => "school", :field_name => "yearfrom", :include_blank => true) %>
If you read the source code for select_year carefully (api.rubyonrails.org), you'll see that any regular HTML options do not get passed to the "select_html" call, just option tag values and "select_html" - specific options (which are not HTML options).
I ended up using Prototype to set up the onchange handlers dynamically, which, as it turns out, is a better practice, and was actually better suited for what I was doing.
Thanks, Wes