source level debuggin

Bit of googeling show it seems to be possible to do source level debugging in Aptana but cant find setup instructions. Can someone please point me in the correct direction. Or if not be good to get info on IDEs where you can. Ime currently using a RubyMine evaluation but was wondering if there was a FOSS solution.

Very few Rails developers use IDEs.

Have you read this?

  Debugging Rails Applications — Ruby on Rails Guides

I’ve always used Rubymine from the same folks who make the IDE that Google uses for Android and a long history of Java IDE tools.

I don’t know where Hassan gets the statistics to support what most users are doing, but I certainly know a lot of folks who wouldn’t forgo the efficiencies of an IDE.

I did try Aptana a long time ago, so can’t offer any help now. Rubymine makes it trivial to set a breakpoint in your Rails and then watch values, step, etc.


I’ve been using Rubymine as well. Is there any video out there that covers the source level debugging?



I don't know where Hassan gets the statistics to support what most users are doing, but I certainly know a lot of folks who wouldn't forgo the efficiencies of an IDE.

Of all the Rails developers I know personally there's *one* who uses Rubymine. And that question has come up on the mailing list over the years where lots of people have offered the same response.

makes it trivial to set a breakpoint in your Rails and then watch values, step, etc.

Not sure how it could be appreciably easier than using `pry` but I'm just not an IDE person. (And yes, I've tried Rubymine, Aptana, etc. in the past and found they only slowed me down, so... whatevs.)

I have been using ruby mine I find the productivity gain is sugnificant. Mainly due to the source level debugging. The main reason is you can easily look at the values for all the varables. you dont have to decide whitch ones to look at and add print statements. Using print statemenet I find i add a cople, do a run, then realise I need some more and add more…

Aptana can also do source level debugging but I havent played with it.
