Hi all
I’m developing a plugin that looks like this so far:
module ActsAsAuthenticated def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end
module ClassMethods def acts_as_authenticated(options = {}) options = { :uid => :name }.merge(options) include(InstanceMethods) def authenticate(name, password) user = send("find_by_#{options[:uid]}".to_sym, name) if user if user.hashed_password != encrypted_password(password,
user.password_salt) user = nil end end user end end
The important line is
user = send(“find_by_#{options[:uid]}”.to_sym, name)
because I want the user of my plugin to be able to pass an optional option[:uid] to the plugin. But sadly, I get the following error:
undefined local variable or method `options’ for Member:Class
Why that? How can I achieve what I want?
Thanks Josh
First off, did you do any research into the name and funcionality? Because this already exists: http://svn.techno-weenie.net/projects/plugins/acts_as_authenticated/
As for your code, you’ve got nested methods going on here, unless there’s code you kept out of the picture. Otherwise, options is a local variable to the class method. You need to set a class method (preferrably with write_inheritable_attribute) to use it later.