I've got a subscription form in which someone can decide to give a gift to someone else. So you have to enter subscriber and recipient data in one form.
For my user model I use single-table inheritance. It works fine but I've got a bug in the validation which I'm not able to solve.
For both users, subscriber and recipient, you have to enter an email address. It is important that the email address is unique so you have to enter two different email addresses.
In my parent user model I validate the email input with validates_uniqueness_of :email. This checks if there is an existing email address in the database already but not if the email input of both users are the same.
My bug is due to the save order and the validation of uniqueness that then the second user will not be saved but the system also do not throw an error.
I hope this is somehow understandable. Here some code that hopefully shows the problem: http://pastie.org/pastes/419606
So my question is how can I compare the email input to throw an error if they are the same.
Thanks in advance.
Regards, Stefan