single inheritance 2 models OK, but what about the controller ?


I am using a single inherance table :

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

class Member < User

I would like to use only ONE controller

accessing GET /members.xml should be equivalent to GET / users.xml

should I have a member_controller and redirect all CRUDs to the equivalent action in users ?

or is there any trick ..

thanks erwin

I was about to ask the same question, and saw yours at the top.

I have the same setup

table: animals

class Animal < ActiveRecord::Base end

class Dog < Animal end

class Cat < Animal end

I just want to know how and pros and cons of using 1 controller / 1 view for each action, or a controller and set of views for each subclass.

You should be able to define a new members_controller like this:

class MembersController < UsersController; end

It should get all the methods from UsersController. Not sure if it’ll do the routing though, but I think it’s worth a shot.