simply_helpful enhancements

I added support for spacer_template:

render :partial => @foos, :spacer_template => 'foos/between'

You can also omit :object:

render :partial => @foo

Doesn't simply helpful already do this?

It does not. I would get a method_missing on nil when trying to
access the variable in the partial template

It does not. I would get a method_missing on nil when trying to access the variable in the partial template

I'm doing this at present:

<%= render :partial=>@page %>

with _page.rhtml happily working with the page

<%= page.title %>

Does it work rendering from a view outside of views/pages?

Perhaps I just have a bug. I will look at my environment again and
have a look at the source once more.

Ah wait. You are using @page. Try it with a local variable:

render :partial => page

If you have an instance variable with the same name as a partial it is implicitly passed via :object.


Right - I added support for the case where you do not have an
instance variable set