Simple question for processing array hash

Hey guys/gals

I have three models...

Request Problem AgendaItem

the request and problem are setup as has_one :agenda_item, :as => :resource

and the AgendaItem is setup as belongs_to :resource, :polymorphic => true

So basically I can define an agenda item as either a request or problem with the class name stored in resource_type and the id stored in resource_id in the AgendaItem table...

Each item is for a specific "group". So item 1 maybe for IT and item 2 may be for DB etc etc...

So here comes the question..

I need to construct a view that breaks down AgendaItem.find_all_by_show(true) by group and by resource_type... I feel that creating two array for each group (both resource types) is a bit much... Is there an easier way to itterate through the array by group in my view or something?

So here comes the question..

I need to construct a view that breaks down AgendaItem.find_all_by_show(true) by group and by resource_type... I feel that creating two array for each group (both resource types) is a bit much... Is there an easier way to itterate through the array by group in my view or something?

I'd say that unless you've actually done it and it is performing
unacceptably that you're probably just worrying over an unimportant


Well we have 7 groups so id be constructing 14 arrays. Plus it would be nice to know for instances when "performance" need to be optimized.

Well we have 7 groups so id be constructing 14 arrays. Plus it would be nice to know for instances when "performance" need to be optimized.

On a multi gigahertz machine with gigs of ram 14 arrays is hardly
going to matter. rails creates and dumps thousands more without you
even noticing. If you can give a more concrete example of what you're doing someone
might be able to help.
