Simple division problems... I know horrible!

Hey all,   Thanks for your time here but I am having problems with something that should be so simple...

@campaigns = Campaign.find(:all, :conditions => ["end_date >= ?",]) @total_running = Campaign.sum(:impressions, :conditions => ["end_date

= ?",])

for campaign in @campaigns   campaign_days = campaign.end_date - campaign.start_date       days = days + campaign_days end @today = @total_running / days

So as you can see I am running two simple queries and returning variables to the view to be displayed. Unfortunately the last line of code here is not working and I am at a loss. When I display @today it is giving me the values of total_running and days with a / in the middle as if these were just strings when actually I would like the value for total_running to be divided by days.

Example of what is displayed - 123456/51

what I would like displayed - 2420

I have tried to change the / to a + and it did correctly add the values together and display the sum of the two values so I am at a loss as to why it will not divide the numbers.

Thanks for the assistance.

@today = @total_running.to_i / days

That did it, but I had to change both variables to "to_i" any reason why I would have to do this for division but not addition? That is what really through me for a loop.

Thanks again.

The other thing about this

That did it, but I had to change both variables to "to_i" any reason why I would have to do this for division but not addition? That is what really through me for a loop.

irb(main):001:0> "12" + "34" => "1234" irb(main):002:0> "12" / "34" NoMethodError: undefined method `/' for "12":String          from (irb):2 irb(main):004:0> "12".to_i + "34".to_i => 46

There is a + method for strings. But not a '/' method. So while it worked, odds are it wasn't what you wanted....