Simple and Easy Image Upload

Hi all,

I've done a good 8+ hours of searching for a good solution to my problem but have had little success finding a nice and easy image upload solution. Oh, and I am new to rails.

My problem/requirement is that I want to upload an image to the file system (not the database) as quickly and efficiently as possible. I currently do not want any resizing or ajax functionality (so no fleximage/swfupload), just a plain <%= f.file_field :image %> to allow me access to select the image and upload it to the /public/images/users folder.

There must be a very easy way to do this in rails. I have noticed that there are a lot of people uploading directly into the database. Is this a better way? It seems to me that the database should be strictly for data.

Thanks in advance and I apologize for the novice questions!

Best regards, Tony


I do this on the filesystem with:

(params[:photo] is posted)

file_name = "something""#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/writable/submissions/" << @user.path << "/tmp/" << file_name, "w"){ |f| f.write(params[:photo].read)}

  # and for resize..

    image ="#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/writable/submissions/" << @user.path << "/tmp/" << file_name).first

     if !image.nil?

       @type = image.format        @geometry = image.columns.to_s + "x" + image.rows.to_s        @imgcol = image.image_type

       long_side = (image.columns > image.rows) ? image.columns : image.rows

       im = image.change_geometry!(tn) { |cols, rows, img|        img.resize!(cols, rows) }        im.write("#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/writable/submissions/" << @user.path << "/thumb/" << file_name)     end

Did you check out paperclip, Paperclip Tips and Updates, or attachment_fu,

You don't need to use the resizing features and both allow saving to the file system.

You also don't want to upload directly to the database. Use the db just to store meta-data about the image.

best. mike