Hello! Help me, please, I use actiontext, and I try to display the loaded image, here are my attempts to show in the partial
attention to this: <% ActiveStorage::Attachment.where(record: post.body.id).limit(1).each do |img| %>
<% cache post do %> <%= link_to post, class: ‘card’ do %>
<% ActiveStorage::Attachment.where(record: post.body.id).limit(1).each do |img| %>
<% if img.blob.representable? %>
<%= image_tag img.blob.representation(resize_to_fill: [ 50, 50 ]) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <% end %>
How to do it right?
Rails version: 6.0.0.beta1 Ruby version: 2.6.0