Should we override model accessors?

I have stumbled across an issue with FormHelper#text_field and thought it was worth a patch. The ticket (with patch) is here

It seems like my solution can't be applied because the form helper methods really needs to use the *_before_type_cast methods because of numerical attributes. (By the way, the actionpack tests do not show that yet)

The thing is that the problem hit something inside me and I got thinking: should we really try to override the default attribute accessors? I mean, there are .read and .write_attributes for those of us who want to, but should we?

What I was originally trying to have was something like

  def title     result = read_attribute(:title)     return title_from_name || PLACE_HOLDER_TITLE.t if result.nil? || result.empty?     return result   end

(Rough translation: in case there isn't a title, generate a default one based on the name)

But, because of the before_type_cast issue, I had to use something along these lines

  def title; title_before_type_cast; end   def title_before_type_cast     result = read_attribute(:title)     return title_from_name || PLACE_HOLDER_TITLE.t if result.nil? || result.empty?     return result   end

...and that hurts. A lot! Not to mention that it may have introduced some subtle bugs that will come back to haunt me in the future.

I could also have tried renaming the db column to db_title or something, but that doesn't seem right either. I thought about using something like validates_*, but this isn't really a validation. We are just providing some sample data that would be tedious for the user to enter in many cases.

Is there any idiomatic solution for that?


Thiago Arrais