Should render collection: @items have a cache option so that read_multi can be utilized?

I released a gem yesterday

that adds this syntax on rendering a collection of partials:

<%= render partial: ‘item’, collection: @items, cache: true %>

And then the gem uses Rails read_multi to fetch any cached fragments of this partial. It can be a pretty big speed boost instead of fetching from Memcached sequentially. One guy saw a 93% improvement on an action of his that was simply rendering out 25 items.

Some folks have been asking me to post to this list to see if this is something that I should write a pull request for against Rails to become a standard feature?


Some folks have been asking me to post to this list to see if this is something that I should write a pull request for against Rails to become a standard feature?

I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but +1 to this