Share session between Node.js and Rails


I'm not an expert on Rails, but I've been doing some recent development with it. Right now, I have a working app with devise for authentication.

Moreover, I am building a chat with Node.js and and I wanted to embed the client side of the Node.js app in my Rails app, in order to let users access the Rails app and then chat without having to authenticate again for Node.

Is there any way to do that and at the same time be able to retrieve the current_username from the rails database?


Daniel A. wrote:


I'm not an expert on Rails, but I've been doing some recent development with it. Right now, I have a working app with devise for authentication.

Moreover, I am building a chat with Node.js and and I wanted to embed the client side of the Node.js app in my Rails app, in order to let users access the Rails app and then chat without having to authenticate again for Node.

Is there any way to do that and at the same time be able to retrieve the current_username from the rails database?

I have two thoughts here, though I know nothing about Node.js and little about Ajax authentication:

1. Can you have Rails set a cookie and the JavaScript app read it (or vice versa)?

2. Perhaps *neither* the Rails app nor the JS app should do the authentication lookup. You might want to build a third app (probably a Rails REST service) that handles the lookup and gives back a token of some sort. Rails can use it through ActiveResource, and the JS app can use it through an Ajax call.

