Share layouts between applications

Is there a way to configure Rails to use layouts from an absolute path? I'd like to share one layout file between a ton of applications. The only thing close has been a symbolic link, which works but will not be acceptable in our environment. Even a way to use partials from an absolute path would suffice.

Thanks in advance...

Not sure about the layout, but you can do:

render :file => '/path/to/a/file.html', :layout => true

You can omit the layout bit at the end if you just want to render the file without your layout.

It’s actually not that hard to symlink the app/views/layouts folder to like /rails/apps/shared_layouts

I’ve done that before with success. Another alternative is to “share” them via SVN Externals… the layouts is its own project in svn, and each rails app references the layouts project.

Well, the issue there would be we don't want to call it all over the place. I need it to work more like application.erb, or at most be specified with layouts call.

No, not hard at all. And it works great. But I won't be able to do symlinks in our deployment environment.

We are not deploying via SVN, so sharing there won't work. The environment is fairly constrained to reuse what exists and is running via JRuby and Tomcat.