setup to replace Lighttpd + FCGI ?

I'm considering moving from my Lighttpd + FCGI setup to some server (Apache, Nginx, or Lighttpd) balancing a Mongrel cluster. As you know, everyone has different opinions about which setup is best.

I have 512 MB VPS, currently running the LxAdmin control panel.

I have two questions:

1) Can anyone with similar setup recommend a good Mongrel cluster- based setup for a VPS of this size?

2) One way I'm looking to free up resources is by not using a control panel, say if I move to Nginx. I'm certainly not a seasoned admin, but I can manage via the command line. How necessary is a control panel, in your experience, given that I want to manage a single Rails app that on my VPS? What features are most necessary? (I think i would need to manage DNS and database backups at least, right?)

Thanks so much for your insight.

I'm considering moving from my Lighttpd + FCGI setup to some server (Apache, Nginx, or Lighttpd) balancing a Mongrel cluster. As you know, everyone has different opinions about which setup is best.

I have 512 MB VPS, currently running the LxAdmin control panel.

I have two questions:

If you don't have an insane amount of traffic (and I'm guessing you don't if it's a single 512mb vps) you might want to look into Litespeed as well. The free (not open source, but free) version has a restriction of 150 connections (not 150 reqs/sec, but simultaneous connections).

One nice thing about it is it can automatically start/stop rails processes as needed...

I use it to run several rails apps that get little traffic (ie. just me usually) and 99% of the time no rails processes are running at all..


Thanks. But I suppose like many people, I'm hoping to have a lot more traffic someday! So I was looking for a good foundation which will scale relatively easily.

Thanks. But I suppose like many people, I'm hoping to have a lot more traffic someday! So I was looking for a good foundation which will scale relatively easily.

Who isn't :slight_smile: But... at 150 max connections... let's say each connection takes a second (which is probably too long, but for arguments sake)...

150 * 60 * 60 * 24 = 12,960,000 *pages* per day.

That's a *lot* of traffic. Assuming of course it's all nicely spread out :slight_smile:

I'm not pushing you into litespeed, it just seems to work pretty well and have a high enough ceiling that most folks aren't going to hit it any time soon.

Hi Rohit

I'm considering moving from my Lighttpd + FCGI setup to some server (Apache, Nginx, or Lighttpd) balancing a Mongrel cluster. As you know, everyone has different opinions about which setup is best.

I have 512 MB VPS, currently running the LxAdmin control panel.

I have two questions:

1) Can anyone with similar setup recommend a good Mongrel cluster- based setup for a VPS of this size?

cch:There is an excellent book which can be purchased as a PDF(Pragmatic Programmers). Just google for "Rails Deployment".Just read itlast nite and there is a section that covers VPS