Setting updated_at in database.

Hi,   I have an 'updated_at' field in events table. Whenever I am creating an event it gets set to But I don't want to set current time in it. But I want to set another time. How should I do that? I tried like this:-

event.updated_at="2008-02-02 03:35:11".

Still it not working. Can anyone tell me how to do that? Thanks, Tushar

You can't without executing the sql directly, because updated at is

you can try overriding the method that is setting the updated_at attribute. take a look at this (which is the first hit google found for me on that subject):

Think about why you want to do this. The updated_at column is an automatic column that is meant to provide the date and time the entry was last modified. If you need to set a different date/time, why not create a new field with a new name and then set it manually or you can auto set it in a before_save method with your own business logic.