Setting "From" in Mailer model

At the moment mail sent from my app comes from "mailer" when received by gmail. Is it possible (i.e. some particular format) to make this more meaningful?

What I have at the moment one of my typical mailer methods:

def updated recipients users.collect(&:email).join(',') from "" subject some_subject body <hash> end

Whoops, by meaningful I mean, appearing in my inbox as coming from " Mailer" instead of just "mailer"

Luke Grimstrup wrote:

Luke Grimstrup wrote:

Whoops, by meaningful I mean, appearing in my inbox as coming from " Mailer" instead of just "mailer"

Luke Grimstrup wrote:

At the moment mail sent from my app comes from "mailer" when received by gmail. Is it possible (i.e. some particular format) to make this more meaningful?

What I have at the moment one of my typical mailer methods:

def updated recipients users.collect(&:email).join(',') from "" subject some_subject body <hash> end

You'd write:

from ' Mailer <>'

If the email sender is common to all mailer methods you can move this "from" call to the initialize method, so it only has to appear once.

Excellent! Just what I was looking for! :smiley: