setfocus to a field in view

Hi    I have a div "reason_for_transfer_search_sd" like <div id="reason_for_transfer_search_sd" > <%= render :partial => "service_desk_part/on_action_transfer_reason_sd_search", :locals => { :sd_ticket=>sd_ticket } %> </div>

And in on_action_transfer_reason_sd_search <%= text_area_tag "transfer_reason", nil, :size => "50x1" %> <%= link_to_remote "Submit",     {:with => "'transfer_reason=' + $('transfer_reason').value",      :url => { :controller => :service_desk,:action => :edit_service_desk_status_after_transfer_from_search_sd,                                 :sd_id =>,                  } },    %>

So to focus cursor to this textarea I used <%= set_focus_to_id 'transfer_reason' %> just below that and it is working properly. And in appliation helper def set_focus_to_id(id)       javascript_tag("$('#{id}').focus()"); end     But my problem is i am replacing the same div from the controller after processing using rjs..But this time cursor focus does not goes to text area.What might be the reason?

Thanks in advance Sijo