set a default value with simple_form

hello anyone know how i can set a default integer value with simple_form, i have code like this below in my view but its not working.

<%= f.input :age, :value => '30' %>

i would like the input box to have the value of 30 by default thanks for any help.

Hello Brent,

hello anyone know how i can set a default integer value with simple_form, i have code like this below in my view but its not working.

<%= f.input :age, :value => '30' %>

i would like the input box to have the value of 30 by default thanks for any help.

If I understand your intent, it has nothing to do with simple_form. Either a migration-based default value for the database field or a model-based, after_create filter could be used to set the initial value of the age field in a newly-created instance of the object. That, in turn, will have the result that it appears to me you're trying to achieve.

HTH, Bill

<%= f.input :name, :input_html => { :value => ‘test’} %>

Ahmy Yulrizka