session reassembly?

Hi, I want to redistribute incoming requests to different controllers, e.g. depending upon the request's user id a request should be dispatched to user_owner_controller or user_other_controller.

So far I've just extended RouteSet to ask the controller which in turn should return the 'real' controller that should be executed:

ActionController::Routing::RouteSet.class_eval do     alias_method :recognize_orig, :recognize

    def recognize(request)       controller = recognize_orig(request)       if defined? controller.acl then         controller.acl       else         controller       end     end end

I've got the following problem: in the controller's acl method neither session nor param is populated. Is there any way to create those hashes?

Or: is there a better way to accomplish the needed behaviour?

cheers, Andreas Happe

Andreas Happe wrote:

Hi, I want to redistribute incoming requests to different controllers, e.g. depending upon the request's user id a request should be dispatched to user_owner_controller or user_other_controller.

I don't really understand the reason you want to work like that. If the function of the two controllers are different, then it seems fair enough to have two different paths.

I don't know the context of your site, but if you think of facebook,

you have you "user_other" page;   Redirecting...

and you have your "user_owner" page;   Facebook

two ways of looking at the same profile, but approaching it in two different ways, has two different urls.

Else, just redirect the "user_owner" to a different controller, if they're the owner, they're probably happy to move to a "/owner" url temporarily, and you can make sure all the urls they could click on would go here directly.