Session problem [restful authentication]


I just installed "restful_auhtentication" to my application. The installation iteself went just fine but when i try to access sites that need authentication I get a strange error message from Firefox (German so I dont know the original message from Firefox): Redirecting loop: The website being called is redirecting a request which cannot be terminated.

When I try to add a new post for example I get redirected to /session/new and thats where I get that error. Does anybody has a clue what's wrong here?!

Thanks a bunch, Cojones

Shandy Nantz wrote:

Is 'new' the name of the method name and not the name of the page? It sounds like maybe you aren't redirecting correctly?

Well, I did it like always, SessionController:   # render new.rhtml   def new   end

new.rhtml.erb is located in Views\sessions and routes does have following entry: map.resource :session

Quite normal I guess?

I'm desperate... any ideas?!

Added skip_before_filter :login_required to the SessionsController, problem solved.