session In the model

Hi    i have the model SDTicket which has a field modified_by_id and it has to take data from session[:id] Now this SDTicket model has many associated models like Activity one of them So when ever an activity happens then also the value in session[:id] is to be go to modified_by_id field

SDTicket has_many activities Activity belongs to SDTicket

     So for that what I am trying is in Activity model wrote in after_save like below after_save :update_sd_ticket def update_sd_ticket     #Here I dont know how to get that session[:id] and fill that to modified_by_id end

       I also tried like to get session from a module by including it in activity model But that too not working.Could you please help to solve this Thanks in advance Sijo

Sijo Kg wrote:

Hi    i have the model SDTicket which has a field modified_by_id and it has to take data from session[:id] Now this SDTicket model has many associated models like Activity one of them So when ever an activity happens then also the value in session[:id] is to be go to modified_by_id field

SDTicket has_many activities Activity belongs to SDTicket

     So for that what I am trying is in Activity model wrote in after_save like below after_save :update_sd_ticket def update_sd_ticket     #Here I dont know how to get that session[:id] and fill that to modified_by_id end

       I also tried like to get session from a module by including it in activity model But that too not working.Could you please help to solve this

The session hash is only available in the controller and view.

You'll have to add a line to your controller method before your call to save

   activity.modified_by_id = session[:id]

This blog post outlines a common way to get the current logged in user in your models...

Hi    Thanks for the link Sijo