Sending email with attachment

Hello, I'm trying to create a function to send mail with an attached file. After an hour reading rails documentation and a few intents I can't figure out this error:

undefined local variable or method 'attachments' for Emailer:Class

Here comes the code of the mail creation function:

class Emailer < ActionMailer::Base    ...    def Emailer.sendMailBCCWithAttachments(recipient, subject, message, from, newsletter)        attachments[newsletter.filename] ="#{RAILS_ROOT}/ public#{newsletter.filepath}")

       mail(          :subject => subject,          :bcc => recipient,          :from => from,          :content_type => "text/html; charset=utf-8",          :body => message,          :sent_on =>        )    end    ... end

And here is how I use it: # Create the mail mail = Emailer.sendMailBCCWithAttachments(recipients, newsletter.subject, message, "", newsletter) # Sends it mail.deliver

Any idea?

Haven't used the 3.0 ActionMailer much yet, but the docs say that sendMailBCCWithAttachments (and seriously, this isn't Java - underscores FTW! :slight_smile: ) shouldn't be a class method, but rather an instance method (lose the 'Emailer.' part).

--Matt Jones