Selenium RC Fu (plus js unit)

We've been threatening to open source this for a while, most recently during Alex and Brian's talk at Railsconf [1]. See the readme [2] for more info, and the source/rdocs for all the gory details. Feedback and contributions are very welcome.



[1] Full-stack webapp testing with Selenium and Rails [2] == Introduction

Welcome to Selenium RC Fu!

This plugin is designed to let you use Selenium RC to write Selenium tests in Ruby, using a simple series of Rake tasks.

== Installation

The current version of this plugin can be found at:

You may install the plugin with the following command:

  script/plugin install svn://

== Usage The seleniumrc_fu plugin assumes you have a test/selenium directory with a selenium_suite.rb file in it. A sample selenium_suite.rb and selenium_helper.rb can be copied into your test/selenium directory.

You'll get the following tasks:   - selenium:test - starts a Selenium RC server, runs selenium tests, and shuts the server down      when they're done

and lower level tasks as well:   - selenium:server starts up a Selenium RC server   - selenium:test_with_server_started runs Selenium tests off of an existing server

== Oh Yeah... We've got JsUnit support as well!

Check out this site for more information:

There's a series of jsunit:xxx rake tasks devoted to running JsUnit distributed server tests from Ruby.

== Future Enhancements

There are a few things we'd like to improve, but we wanted to get this out now. Check the tracker in the pivotal.rb RubyForge project for details.

== License

Selenium RC Fu is distributed under the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2007 Pivotal Labs, Inc.

== Contributing

Contributions to this plugin are welcome. Contributions should be accompanied by tests, and should be sent to