select_tag and link_to

Does ROR allow passing the chosen value from a drop down using select_tag into link_to ?

Basically I want to do something like: <%= select_tag( "name", options_for_select(%w{John Doe Jane })) %> <%= link_to "Delete",                     { :controller => "myname", :action => "add",                       :id => name },                     :confirm =>                     "Are you sure}?" %>

Thanks Meenal

I have this way:

<% form_tag { :controller => "myname", :action => "add", :id => name }, "name"=>"jump" do %>

<%= select_tag ("name", options_for_select(%w{John Doe Jane }), "onChange"=>"[].value;", "value"=>"GO") %>

<% end %> <% end_form_tag %>

I am not sure that my way is correct. Maybe any reference from other partner here?


Reinhart's suggestion should work if the user has javascript, but I'd be wary of doing that, especially for a "delete" link...although you're calling an "add" action...strange...

In general, link_to will render an <a href="..." ...>...</a>, and once it's on the page, it's set. If you want a user to select something from a box and use that value, use a form. If you don't like form buttons, try somehow getting a link_to to use onClick=form.submit. I know very little about javascript, so check with others on how to accomplish that.
