Seach users to invite, how ineficient is what I use?


I'm using HasManyFriends plugin.

I'm listing friends so users can request friendship. From those I have to remove the admin, the current user and users that are friends already.

For that I used this:

  def index     @users = User.find(:all)

    render :inline =>     "<% for user in @users %>       <% if !user.has_role?('administrator') && user != current_user && (!user.is_friends_with? current_user) %>         <%=h user.login %>         &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;         <%= link_to 'Invite this user', :action => 'process_invitation', :invite => user ,:command => 'invite' unless (user.has_role?('administrator') || user == current_user) %>         <br>       <% end %>     <% end %>"   end

I think that's not the most optimal way. Any hints how to do it better?

Note, I'm planning to include a city filter for the first user fecth soon.


Any comments anyone? I guess my code is perfect otherwise :sunglasses:

Maybe I didn't formulate the right question...
