scripts in RoR

i want to use scripts in my can i write a script ? where it should be write in application.js and how.?and how can i call it

i want to use scripts in my can i write a script ? where it should be write in application.js and how.?

app,ication.js is a good place for some general purpose scripts, that are used by all (or most) of your views don't forget to use:   <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> in the header section of your layout

but you can use your own js files as well, place them in public/ javascripts and (assuming myscripts.js is the filename:   <%= javascript_include_tag 'myscripts' %>

and how can i call it from my view..can anybody help me with some simple examples.

say you have defined a js function like function doSomething() {   alert('hello world'); }

in a file & included it as described above, then it will be available as any js from your page. There are many ways to call this function for

one of the most simple: <%= link_to_function("hello", "doSomething()") %>

will create a link and call this function. But you can use it as event handler in onclick, call it directly from any other function and so on.